#params to set
# get domain password expiration info,
$baseDS = New-Object system.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://$baseDN")
$dc = $baseDS.findone()
$maxPwdAgeInDays = convertTimeToDays ( $"maxPwdAge")[0] )
# find user
$userSearch = $baseDS
$userSearch.filter = “(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$userAccountName))”
$user = $userSearch.FindOne()
# find out password expiration date
[long]$time = [long][string]($
# check for advanced password policy
$advancedPasswordDomainPath = $"msDS-ResultantPSO")
if ( $advancedPasswordDomainPath -ne $null )
$searchForPassPolicy = New-Object system.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://$advancedPasswordDomainPath")
$maxAge = $searchForPassPolicy.FindOne().Properties.item("msDS-MaximumPasswordAge")[0]
$maxPwdAgeInDays = convertTimeToDays ( $maxAge )
$passwordSetDate = $([DateTime]$time).AddYears(1600).ToLocalTime()
$expirationDate = $passwordSetDate.AddDays($maxPwdAgeInDays)
$today = [DateTime]::Today
$timeLeftInDays = $expirationDate.Subtract($today).Days
Write-Host "Username: $userAccountName"
Write-Host "Password expiration time: $maxPwdAgeInDays days"
Write-Host "Password was set: $passwordSetDate"
Write-Host "Password expires: $expirationDate"
Write-Host "Time left: $timeLeftInDays"
# help functions
function convertTimeToDays ($value)
[int64]$maxpwdage = [System.Math]::Abs( $value )
return $maxpwdage/864000000000
1 comment:
Thank you!!
This is what I was looking for. However the line below gives an error.
$maxAge = $searchForPassPolicy.FindOne().Properties.item("msDS-MaximumPasswordAge")[0]
"Exception calling "FindOne" with "0" argument(s): "The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist."
$advancedPasswordDomainPath = $"msDS-ResultantPSO") does show the proper PSO.
Any help would be grateful!
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