Sunday, November 23, 2008

Черный экран видео с Beryl 'om

Чтоб можно было нормально смотреть видео при этом не выключая берила:


That’s the default Ubuntu player, used by Totem. To correctly visualize you video files with Totem proceed as follows:

1) Open a terminal and enter:


2) Move to the video tag.
3) In default video plugin select “X Window System (without Xv)”.
4) Click on try to verify if it works fine.
5) Close this window, problems solved.


That’s my preferred player, I always use it and surely many of you do too. It is very important to have it working correctly, so:

1) Run vlc.
2) Settings –> Preferences.
3) Selct video and then outpoot modules.
3) Check the little “Advanced options” check box on the button left corner of this window.
4) New options will now appear, so in video outpoot choose “X11 video out”.
5) Save and exit. Mission completed.

I never use it and every time I try to open something with it, it never works ;P but if you use it…:

1) Run Mplayer.
2) Right click on the screen and select Preferences.
3) Select the video tag and in available drivers choose X11 (XImage/Shm).
4) Save and restart the application.


Very useful if you use Kaffeine or Totem with xine:

1) Run xine.
2) File –> configure –> preferences.
3) In experience_level select “Master Of The Known Universe” so that all the setting become visible.
4) Select the video tag.
5) In driver choose “xshm”.
6) Restart Xine.


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