sleep X - sleeps for X seconds
chroot - root to selected dir
slocate - find file from database suppressing all permission warnings.
which - shows where specified program is located in PATH
w - show who is logged on and what they are doing
tput - change cursor location, colour, text format.
Change last entered command:
^what_to_change^how_change - changes last entered command.
$:man bash
$:^ba^c ( that will give - man csh )
Changing default shell:
/etc/passwd holds starting shells for each user on machine.
Auto Mounting:
/etc/fstab holds all devices that should be mounted automatically.
/dev/sda3 /win ntfs defaults 0 0Script commands:
- [ program wmctrl needed ] ( yum install wmctrl )
- wmctrl -s desktopNum
Restoring GRUB:
- Boot from live CD(say knoppix)
- mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
(mount system) - chroot /media/sda1
- grub-install /dev/sda
( or /dev/sdaNUM, where NUM is partition )
- mount /dev/sda1 /
(mount system) - grub
( opens grub terminal ) - find /boot/grub/stage1
( shows partitions where grub is installed ) - root (hd0,partNum)
( partNum you can get from previous command, hd0 - means first hard disk, hd1 will be second.. ) - setup (hd0)
( if grub has to be installed to MBR. Or [ setup (hd0,partNum) ] - installs GRUB to linux root partition)
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